Restaurang Skáidi, Nikkaluokta


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DESTINATIONS kiruna Dining Restaurang Skáidi, Nikkaluokta

Restaurang Skáidi, Nikkaluokta

After climbing Kebnekaise having a good meal in the company of friends doesn’t go amiss. Skáidi in Nikkaluokta serves renkok as well as game fish from the mountain lakes. If you want to try all the Lappland specialities, order a tasting menu. Mountain view from the restaurant. Book a table in good time.


Souvas and renkok (reindeer stew) are two culinary experiences you could give them, at least, a try while in Kiruna. Souvas is smoked reindeer meat which is fried and served on, for example, pizza, in wraps or on thin, flat, unleavened bread. You can also enjoy venison, grouse, char, and cloudberries.